Mikko Drocan


Link Location
LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikkodrocan/
GitHub profile https://github.com/mdrocan/


I enjoy doing different kinds of activities. Lately I have been doing a bit
less long distance sports in general and focused more in home improvement,
developing small helpful software projects for myself and training different
dog sports (NoseWork, water rescue, fetching) with my dog.


Sports have been always important to me. Current activities include, for
example, Saimaa Cycle Tour (https://saimaacycletour.com/en), Finlandiahiihto
(https://www.finlandiahiihto.fi/) and Jukola relay

Dog sports

2023 sport results

2024 sport results

I’m currently having a short and busy vacation. My previous work history can
be seen from my LinkedIn profile.

During my career, I have worked in a variety of organisations in different
roles. I like to challenge and push myself a bit beyong my comfort zone. I
enjoy automating manual tasksm with high quality, helping others, support
transformations and learning something new and continuously improving
myself, ie. not just sticking to same ways of doing.